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What is the difference between CV and Resume?


While reading job postings, you can pay attention to that some employers ask for a resume and others for a CV. While both resumes and CVs are used in job applications (and some employers may accept either), these two documents have several differences. 


A resume is a brief summary of your skills and experience and should be tailored to each position you apply. Therefore the purpose of a resume is to provide recruiters with a brief overview of the candidate’s work history, and shouldn’t be longer than two pages. A CV is more detailed and includes information about your education and professional career. In the USA and Canada, a CV is mostly used only for academic applications: academic jobs, grants, research fellowships, etc.


3 main differences between a CV and a resume


  • Length: Resume – ideally if it takes from one to two pages. CV can run several pages in length. That is because a CV includes more information than a resume.
  • Experience/career type: Resume should focus on skills and experience relevant to the position you are applying to. The CV should cover all your education, professional career, publications, awards, honors, and other achievements.
  • Ability to customize: Resume should be tailored to the position you are applying, and highlight specific skills and experience, courses, and education essential for the job. A CV is a static document that does not change. You may only add new information to a CV throughout your professional career.

What should you include in a CV?


  1. Your contact information, without a photo
  2. Research Objective or Professional Profile
  3. Education (from newest to latest)
  4. Books or books chapters you have written
  5. Peer-Reviewed Publications
  6. Other Publications
  7. Awards and Honors
  8. Grants and Fellowships
  9. Conferences 
  10. Teaching Experience
  11. Research Experience / Lab Experience / Graduate Fieldwork
  12. Non-Academic Activities
  13. Languages and Skills
  14. Memberships
  15. References


What should you include in the Resume?


  1. Contact Information
  2. Resume Summary or Resume Objective tailored for a specific job
  3. Work Experience
  4. Education
  5. Skills
  6. Additional Sections like: Awards, Courses, Publications, Certificates, Conferences, relevant for the position




Hope this article was helpful and clarified the differences between CVs and resumes. If you’re still not sure about some points, leave us a comment, and we will be happy to help. 


Also if you are struggling to write Resume check-up also these best resources for resume templates in 2020: